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About Me

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Jacksonville, Illinois, United States
My husband and I have been married for 51 years. We are both retired. He loves to garden and read. I like to do those things too but still need to do something interesting and keep my brain active. I have been selling online since 2002. I really like selling over the internet and reading and writing on the blogs as you can talk to many nice people. I also sell in order to supplement our income as day-to-day living expenses. I have a grown daughter who owns a painting business, Painters Extraordinaire II, in Chicago, IL. I also have two dogs(Lady and Corky) and a cat named Bonnie.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Do you have Acid Reflux?

I have suffered from acid reflux for many years with the worst bouts happening at night.  Sometimes they would be so bad that they would wake me up from a sound sleep.  I would have to keep tums, crackers or bread by my bedside so I could use them when I needed to.  I take two different medicines to keep it in check.  The medicine help but didn't keep it from happening.     I also bought one of the wedge pillows.  Even with that pillow I still had terrible episodes of reflux.

The pillow I bought was the 7" one and like I said it didn't help much and was not comfortable as it was too high.  I  used a memory foam pillow on top which made it even higher and caused me to kind of fold instead of lying comfortably.  I recently bought one that measures 5.5" high and since purchasing it have not been woken up once during the night with reflux.  It is comfortable too and I use the memory foam pillow on top of it.  It is just the right height as I lay at just the right slant.    If you have the same problem I hope you give it a try.

Take my word for it not waking up with that problem is wonderful.  Good luck to you all.

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