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About Me

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Jacksonville, Illinois, United States
My husband and I have been married for 51 years. We are both retired. He loves to garden and read. I like to do those things too but still need to do something interesting and keep my brain active. I have been selling online since 2002. I really like selling over the internet and reading and writing on the blogs as you can talk to many nice people. I also sell in order to supplement our income as day-to-day living expenses. I have a grown daughter who owns a painting business, Painters Extraordinaire II, in Chicago, IL. I also have two dogs(Lady and Corky) and a cat named Bonnie.

Friday, October 03, 2014

Latest Clyde the Cat Update

Finally got a definite answer on my baby's disease.  He has a large lump in his stomach that is cancer.  I knew it was more than just thyroid as nothing seemed to help him much.  We have some more medicine (poor Clyde) that is supposed to help him with the cancer.   It will get worse as he is in too bad shape to have surgery so not much can be done.   When it gets too bad for him we will have to make the decision to have him put to sleep.  Hopefully that won't happen too soon.  He just looks so bad though it's really feels like it won't be long.   He had to have fluid injected under his skin as he was dehydrated.  Will have it done again next week.

Hopefully things will get better.  We could sure use all the prayers and good thoughts you can give.

Thanks for reading my blog.  Until next time. 

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