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About Me

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Jacksonville, Illinois, United States
My husband and I have been married for 51 years. We are both retired. He loves to garden and read. I like to do those things too but still need to do something interesting and keep my brain active. I have been selling online since 2002. I really like selling over the internet and reading and writing on the blogs as you can talk to many nice people. I also sell in order to supplement our income as day-to-day living expenses. I have a grown daughter who owns a painting business, Painters Extraordinaire II, in Chicago, IL. I also have two dogs(Lady and Corky) and a cat named Bonnie.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Where does the time go?

I can't believe the summer is gone and so much time has slid by since my last post in July.  Right now we're having a heat wave with 90+ degree temperatures so it doesn't seem like it is fall.   Of course it is since the kids have gone back to school and the trees are turning slightly.  Hopefully we will have a pretty fall but haven't had much rain in the last two months. 

Right now things are really slow in my stores and haven't made many sales lately which is not good as I can't save money for any house repairs or other emergency needs we might have.  I had a good two week run on sales and then it just stopped like someone turned off the faucet.  Hopefully I will start getting sales soon and can refill my financial coffers.  If you are needing or wanting something please give my stores a look-see.

I am also going to give an update on my skinny cat, Clyde.  We have been having a lot of problems with him.  He has been having diarrhea lately and it really stinks.  Not a good time to have the house closed up as it can be smelt everywhere.  We have been giving him medicine so hopefully it will help him get over it.  He still hasn't gained any weight even though he eats like a pig.  So that is where we are at with him.  All the other fur babies are good except Corky who is allergic to everything and has a hard time in the summer.  It will be winter soon which will take care of that problem (not that I'm happy about it - winter I mean.) 

 As you can see by the picture Clyde is a big cat but weighs only 11 pounds or maybe less.  The little guy beside him is Corky who weights 11-12 lbs.  Clyde seems to feel pretty good so maybe it's just that he is getting older.  I hope that's the case. 

I have been sending a lot of emails to my reps about regulating puppy mills (through the Humane Society)  and apparently it has helped as they now are gong to regulate online, phone and other sales of animals that weren't regulated.  So hopefully it will help the poor little animals that are bred and bred again just for some person to sell and live off their pain.   I know some of them have to be euthanized when they are rescued due to problems they have but at least they don't have to live for years and years in the same painful conditions.  If I had a lot of money I would use a good chunk to make sure these people are put out of business.  Unfortunately that will probably never happen. 

Well, I will try to post more swiftly next time and not let so many days elapse before I give you more exciting experiences in my life. (ha) 

God bless - until next time.  Thanks for reading my post.

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