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About Me

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Jacksonville, Illinois, United States
My husband and I have been married for 51 years. We are both retired. He loves to garden and read. I like to do those things too but still need to do something interesting and keep my brain active. I have been selling online since 2002. I really like selling over the internet and reading and writing on the blogs as you can talk to many nice people. I also sell in order to supplement our income as day-to-day living expenses. I have a grown daughter who owns a painting business, Painters Extraordinaire II, in Chicago, IL. I also have two dogs(Lady and Corky) and a cat named Bonnie.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Painted today......

Now I know I'm really getting old.  we had the ceiling fixed in our hallway and they painted the ceiling but I got the big thrill of painting the hallway.   It looks really good but I did get a small patch of paint on the ceiling that dried and I couldn't get it off.  Otherwise not to shabby.  I know one thing we might have to have it done in the bigger rooms because the up and down is really bad for my back which has been bad for a while now.  We will either have our daughter do the walls or someone else as we have to have a painter down here paint the ceilings.  I know Al and I can't do it as they are really high.  Maybe 10' or 12' not sure.  I know my daughter, Denise, loves doing it as it's her profession but I really don't.  I don't have the stamina any more.  I think what I really don't like is the clean up afterwards.  That's a pain.

I had to go get a piece of coconut creme pie as I just realized I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast and I don't eat much then.  We took the dogs for a short walk after I got through painting and I felt pretty weak when we got back.  The pie hit the spot - uhmmmmm.

 I have been putting a lot of new items in my stores so give them a look see.   Hope you find something you like.

Thanks for reading.  See you next time.

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