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About Me

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Jacksonville, Illinois, United States
My husband and I have been married for 51 years. We are both retired. He loves to garden and read. I like to do those things too but still need to do something interesting and keep my brain active. I have been selling online since 2002. I really like selling over the internet and reading and writing on the blogs as you can talk to many nice people. I also sell in order to supplement our income as day-to-day living expenses. I have a grown daughter who owns a painting business, Painters Extraordinaire II, in Chicago, IL. I also have two dogs(Lady and Corky) and a cat named Bonnie.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

A Very Merry Christmas and Great New Year

Hope you all had the best of times during the holidays.  I had a great one this year as my daughter came down for a couple of days.  It's rare that she gets to come down so we made the best of the time we had.  She and I are like oil and water so we don't schedule long vacations with each other.  She is a do something every minute type of person and I'm a do some things but then relax and breath.  It's really nice though. 

I still miss my cat, Clyde.  I sometimes think I see him out of the corner of my eye.  Just sitting there looking and me the way he used to.  Of course, he's not there because when I turn to look the space is bare.   But maybe he is and when I turn full face to him I refuse to see him.  Who knows.

The weather has been so dark and gloomy here that I have already started my hibernation process. Ha!  Today it is brighter but cold, snowy and windy.  Ah WINTER!

Anyway had a great selling month in December.  So far January has been kind of slow but hopefully will start getting busier.   Thanks to all who bought from my stores.  I very much appreciate the business. 

Hope you have a great January and a great 2015.  I will try to add more posts this month but won't promise.  Thanks for your time.

1 comment:

GrandmaMarilyn said...

Glad you had a good Christmas. We spent ours with our neighbors as kids were in San Antonio with their other Grandparents.

We are having cold weather down here (for us) right now. But, I will be complaining about the heat before long. LOL